
Friday, December 31, 2010

Smoke and Drink

Someone said that 'Necessity is the mother of all inventions' . Most of us believe in this very simple statement. Fire was born off necessity and so was the number 0 and also electric power possibly the 3 greatest inventions in history.

So cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and all "nasha" inducers were invented out to satisfy some need were not they?? But modern society has depicted these in bad light. It is not good for health that is guaranteed but then so is butter, oil know the stuff that get our taste buds tingling. But for some reason smoke and drinks are targetted by many especially the activists.

People may say that you can get hooked on to it and it is very difficult too stop once you've begun but then it is the same with fatty food as well if obesity in US and now increasingly in India as well is anything to go by. Why not contemplate ban on fatty food as well along with cigarettes and alcohol.

In moderation they can provide for stress relief and so i tell my friends smoke and booze responsibly and preferably not close to me cause passive smoking is worse than active and boozers are a little unpredictable. And guilt has no place along with pleasure :)


  1. Isn't it also that we realise our "need" for certain things only after they have been invented?
    We probably didn't even use to complain about making a cup of coffee until somebody invented the coffee maker!

  2. actually necessity is d mother of all inventions is oly for d basic knw we didnt need a cell phone also or a microwave or cars but thy were invented for comfort nd not out of ane basic need...and one of d basic need for humans apart from food water nd shelter we need is a way to leave problems tht we face day to day...drinks nd smokes were invented to satisfy dis need...
