
Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Am sure a number of us have hoped to get superpowers. To be stronger than others or maybe teleport anywhere in the universe or just be able to fly away. Lets just see some of the coolest superpowers ever.

SUPER STRENGTH -- Just imagine if you could throw a boulder miles away. Super strength will let you beat up evryone to a pulp.

TELEPATHY -- Read someones mind and may be plant ideas in theirs as well...Inception with no dreams..

FLIGHT -- Fight or Fly syndrome to the letter...just zoom off from any troublesome situation.

RADIOACTIVE/LASER BEAMS -- Just zap away anyone/anything standing in your way or heck just for the fun of it.

TELEPORTATION -- Possibly the 2nd best power to have. Have complete control over the space time fabric. I don't need to specify some very lucrative options that may present to you.

SUPER SPEED -- Well not really much of a superpower but a little bit of practise and maybe you can make something off it.

SONIC BOOM -- We've all shouted ourselves hoarse sometime or the other but just think how it would be your shouts and shrieks could destroy tall skyscrapers..

TELEKENESIS -- Mind over matter is the best way to describe this power. The 3rd best power to have. Hone your mind and you have no mortal danger and no one to stop you from doing what you want..

REGENERATION -- The power to regrow cells, tissues and organs. Nothing and no one can destroy you . The only weak point is the brain. Protect it and you rule the world.

CHAMELEON -- Become whoever you want or whatever you want . A great power for camouflage and sneak attacks but nothing more. Though become a copy of someone powerful and you never know.

MIND SHARP -- A very cool name for the ability to learn and understand the ways of the world. I rate it as the joint 2nd best power along with teleportation. You can learn to have more powers and achieve great power.

SUBDUER --  Nullify anyones power and make them bow in front of you. Used wisely there is no stopping you.

THE SPONGE --  An ordinary name for the greatest power. Absorb others power  and use them. Fly, send out power beams, teleport, control minds, regenerate, copy other forms, and hurl can do anything and thats why the greatest power to NO. 1. But every creature has a natural enemy by the laws of nature. Yours is arrogance and the subduer.

Any other power you feel i have missed out feel free to leave comments. And if you find out how to get any of these powers please do tell me!!!

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